Free Discovery Call

Feeling skeptical or wondering if we're a good match? Let's find out together with a free discovery call.

What to Expect:

  • Explore your doubts and questions about therapy.

  • Discuss your concerns openly and without judgment.

  • Discover if we're the right fit for your journey to well-being.

Your well-being matters, and so does finding the right support. Schedule your no-obligation discovery call and take a step towards understanding if this is the right path for you. I'm here to help.

What People Are Saying - Reviews

“I’ve been doing therapy with Kilian for 7 months and it’s been an amazing and healing journey.
I’ve had negative experiences with 2 other psychologists before so it was great to find a good match. Kilian is very kind and understanding, i find it comfortable discussing my issues without the fear of being judged.
With his help I’ve shifted my perspective on many things and improved my mental health and I’m very appreciative of all the help and support he provides, and I definitely recommend Kilian as a professional.”

— Client

“It was my first time going to therapy, going to see Kilian. He is super easy to talk to and understanding. He really helped me realise some things about myself I maybe hadn't before.
Also, he gave me the nudge I needed to finally go get my ADHD diagnosis, which has been an absolute life changer!”

— Client

“Kilian's kindness, impeccable English skills, and exceptional therapeutic abilities make him a standout professional. He creates a safe and welcoming space for individuals far from home. His proficiency in English ensures effective communication, making the therapy sessions comfortable and impactful. He offers insightful guidance, helping me develop coping strategies and encouraging personal growth. His professionalism, punctuality, and non-judgmental approach complete the package. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking effective and empathetic support, especially for those away from their homeland.”

— Client