English and German Therapy in Barcelona

Frequently asked questions

How does couples therapy work?

Couples therapy is a collaborative process designed to help partners improve their relationship and resolve conflicts. In sessions, I facilitate open communication, providing a safe space for each partner to express their thoughts and feelings. The therapist works to identify patterns of interaction, uncover underlying issues, and develop effective strategies for resolving conflicts. Couples therapy may involve various therapeutic approaches, including cognitive-behavioral techniques, communication skills training, and exploring emotional dynamics. The goal is to strengthen the relationship, enhance understanding, and foster healthier communication patterns. The number of sessions varies based on the unique needs of each couple, and progress is often achieved through a combination of in-session work and practice of new skills between sessions.

What is couples therapy?

Couples therapy, also known as marriage or relationship counseling, is a therapeutic process that focuses on improving the dynamics and functioning of a romantic partnership. It involves sessions with a trained therapist (english-speaking therapist) who works collaboratively with both partners to address issues, enhance communication, and foster a healthier relationship. Couples therapy aims to help partners understand each other better, navigate conflicts more effectively, and strengthen emotional bonds. The therapist may use various techniques and approaches tailored to the specific needs of the couple, promoting self-awareness and shared growth. Whether addressing specific challenges or seeking to enhance overall relationship satisfaction, couples therapy in Bareclona provides a supportive environment for partners to work together towards a more fulfilling and harmonious relationship.

What is person centered therapy?

Person-centered therapy, developed by Carl Rogers, is a humanistic approach to psychotherapy that emphasizes the individual's capacity for self-discovery and personal growth. Also known as client-centered therapy, this therapeutic model places great importance on creating a supportive and non-judgmental therapeutic relationship.

In person-centered therapy, the therapist provides a warm and empathetic environment where clients feel safe to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. The focus is on the client's subjective experience, allowing them to lead the sessions and set the agenda. The therapist actively listens, reflects, and seeks to understand the client's perspective without imposing interpretations.

How to know if my teenager or child needs professional help?

Recognizing when your teenager may benefit from professional help involves being attentive to changes in behavior, emotions, and overall well-being. Consider seeking professional assistance if you observe:

  1. Persistent Behavioral Changes: Sudden or persistent changes in behavior, such as withdrawal from family and friends, increased aggression, or acting out.

  2. Emotional Distress: Noticeable shifts in mood, extreme emotional highs or lows, prolonged sadness, irritability, or expressions of hopelessness.

  3. Academic Struggles: A sudden decline in academic performance, disinterest in school, or reports of troubling behavior from teachers.

  4. Social Withdrawal: Avoidance of social activities, loss of interest in hobbies, or a sudden change in friend groups.

  5. Substance Use: Experimentation or increased use of drugs or alcohol, which may indicate an attempt to cope with emotional difficulties.

  6. Changes in Sleep or Appetite: Significant alterations in sleep patterns or appetite, including insomnia or excessive sleeping, and changes in eating habits.

  7. Self-Harm or Suicidal Thoughts: Any indication of self-harming behaviors or expressions of suicidal thoughts should be treated as a serious concern requiring immediate professional attention.

If you're uncertain or concerned about your teenager's well-being, feel free to contact me directly or book a free discovery call.

How to help teenager with anxiety or depression?

Dealing with a depression or anxiety within the family can be very challenging.

Open communication, educate yourself, encourage professional help, promote healthy habits, establish routine, encourage social connections, limit stressors, model coping strategies, stay involved

How do I book a Session?

Just click on “Book a Session” and follow the process. If it is your first time, and you have some questions, you can also book a free discovery call. In this way, we can talk about your concerns before.

How do I pay?

You can pay directly online when booking a Session. You can pay by card or via Paypal.

What if I need to cancel?

Please note that Sessions have to be cancelled 48 hours before, in order to get a refund. If you don`t cancel 48 hours before, the money won`t be refunded. Unless you provide a medical certificate. (Please note: refund excludes payment-fee of 1.55€)

We can always change the Session to an Online-Session if needed.

Will my Insurance pay for it?

I offer a private therapy service which ensures full confidentiality. You must pay in full and then submit your invoice to your insurance. I can not guarantee reimbursement.

Maybe you can talk to your insurance before.

What if I am running late to a Session?

If you contact me, I will wait for you until you arrive, and we will complete the remaining time of your session.

Are there any packages?

If you want to buy a package, please reach out to me directly. I offer 11 Sessions for the price of 10. If you pay for 10 Sessions in advance, there will be one for free.

What I CAN`T offer?

Diagnosis, clinical assessment or medical prescription

Is online therapy as effective as in person?

After you book an Online-Session, you will get a zoom-link.

In my experience, online therapy in Barcelona is just as effective as Face-2-Face-Sessions.

Can I start therapy when I`m under 18 years old?

Yes, you can, BUT your parents (or legal guardian) need to book the Session and sign consent for you. You can not do it without the Consent.

I cant find a suitable Timeslot.

Please contact me directly, and we can try to find a suitable time for you.

English speaking therapist in Barcelona

English speaking psychologist in Barcelona